New linoprints
Last year I decided to give my linoprinting a stronger focus and more dedication. I carved new designs, tested new oil based inks and different kind of handmade papers, transfer methods and 2 different small hand presses. Even though I have been doing linocuts for years, there was a lot I did not know. I also spent lots of time on my instagram account following many print artist to gather more workflow tips. :)
Linocut #8
Hey everyone. I made a new set of linocuts. Fuck yeah! 3 Friendly birds (actually one is rather grumpy). It's Bob, Bill and Berta but you can give them other names. It´s the first time I went from a digital iPad sketch to paper:
Wide Reality-Group Exhibition
I don´t think anyone saw me much in the last 2 weeks for I was printing and cutting the hell out of lino-blocks. Kamil would draw the nights away and Shiroh finishing up his paintings. In between we would meet Andrew at the gallery to discuss concepts, prices for the artwork and such. The three of us have very different styles and deal with different realities. You can see the results in real-life (OMG!) until the 19th of October at Gallery52 (Weichselstrasse 52. Wed to Sat 3 -7 pm). I´d be thrilled if you find time to check it out.
linocut #5
My mom loved them. Elephants. She had one tattooed on her lower back. I was with her when she got it and remember her long blonde hair. That´s pretty much all I saw because her head was bend over the whole session, probably concentrating or biting her lips. That was 13 years ago and I thought of this when scribbling the elephant a few days ago. Maybe it would have looked better if I had corrected tipsy lines, improved the typo and exchanged the second line with something more creative but at last I just used the draft.