Linocut #6
I worked three hot summer evenings on this linocut, with my feet dangling in a bucket of cold water. I listened to more A Song of Ice and Fire audio books, ate corn out of a can because I can and enjoyed every little breeze that found it´s way thru the window. And did I hear a wolve howling? I would have uploaded the stuff earlier if my week hadn't been ruined by not so amazeballs news. Change is coming.
Sketchbook Stuff
Occasionally I get my sketchbook out and draw either loveless and chaotic things or something a bit more thoughtful. Not necessarily to pursue any ideas but to beat impatience when the movie I am watching bores me. I feel good about most of the drawings/scribbles while others should probably be thrown into a bonfire. I am going to post a few but will leave the really ugly ones out. Sorry. ; )
Clay Owl
Two eyes at work. One is watching an episode of "Mad Men" while the other one is setting up this entry. I am tempted to gossip about Peter Campbell but I should stay focused and babble about my clay experience. If feels like the last time I put hands on this stuff was 9400 BC. I gave it another try simply because the package said "ready-to-use-water-based-modelling-clay" and "air-drying". No baking. They even had clay for the microwave. Sounded as though even I could do it. It took a couple of attempts before it started to look like a bird instead of a squeezed alien. Tools were a toothpick and my hands. I stored the rest of the clay in the fridge, next to the green pepper and my polaroid films. That´s all there will be for dinner if I don´t go grocery shopping soon.
It almost took me longer to set this entry up than painting the bird. Some problems with inserting images. Oh Wordpress, why art thou this weird sometimes? And whenever it seems that I have solved a problem successfully and have a "hurray" and "clapclap" moment, then, of course, something else doesn´t work. Without wp-support forums I would have probably jumped out of the window, long time ago. Anyway, here is the red bird I painted yesterday to relax while listening to audio tapes ("Die Drei Fragezeichen"). A mix of ink and acrylics on cardboard.
Bird Journals
Painting my TV is in the making. It´s already primed and sits on my kitchen table waiting to be pimped. In the meantime I took care of the journals. The little one I use to store polaroid negatives on the go. It´s full of pages covered in dried chemicals between a few pages of lousy sketches and random thoughts. The big one has been lying in my drawer for two years. I still don´t know what the heck I could use it for. Maybe to collect awesome muffin recipes? But I don´t love muffins. I don´t even have baking dishes.
First part. Priming the parts I want to paint. In this blank state I left them to nap on the table for a few days. The sight calmed me down and I almost thought that maybe it´s already perfect like this.Pen stand made of toilet rolls
My drawing pens usually lie all over the place and often when I grab one nearby it´s dried out. Don´t we hate that. So I cleaned up a bit and thought about getting some pen stands as well. I´ve already painted a couple of toilet rolls which should do the trick. I am a little clumsy when it comes to handicrafts but as long as I only have to glue 2 pieces together: I can do it!
Framed Polaroid
One time a boy came up to me and wanted to see the picture I had just taken of a horse. I told him that this is not a digital camera and that we would have to wait some days in super suspense for the film to be developed. He gave me a disappointed shrug and a "that sucks!". I have taken a deeper interest in analog photography for a while now. It all began when I wanted to give cleaning-up-my computer a serious try. From over a 1000 photographs that I had taken over the years I have never printed out a single picture (shocking). So I thought one rainy day "I got a minute" and surfed thru gigabytes of digital photos, spending hours deleting, re-naming and grouping. It was damn overwhelming. Eventually I made a collection of my favourites which I promised myself to make pretty prints of. Of course I never found the time and when my hard drive died the matter was out of the world anyway ( I used to be lazy with backups).
Lost and found
Some have asked me why I have chosen the name "ejaculesc" for my website, which I have even troubles to pronounce when people ask me for the URL. Not to mention all the spam comments I have to disapprove. I feel this painting is a good answer. I recently found it when I visited my dad over the weekend. I painted it about 5 years ago. It was a nice suprise because I have somewhat forgotten about it´s existence. But I remember it was one of first paintings I had done after a very long break of not touching a brush or a pen. It´s also interesting to see how I was using these organic elements already back then, even much stronger than in my current works. But most of all I am glad I still like what I did.
Save the Hirschkäfer
Even though I am not the biggest arthropods fanboy when it comes to body contact (except maybe butterflies and coccinellidaes), I really like to draw them. There is so much beauty in their alien architecture. The stag beetle ("Hirschkäfer" in German) was chosen insect of the year 2012 over here, also because they are in danger of becoming extinct in Germany. So yeah, that´s why I made this bag.
linocut #4
I like the smell of linol. It´s nice. But I always have to vaccum my room afterwards and shake my clothes clean. This stuff ends up everywhere. The cutting starts to become a pain in the neck. It´s almost impossible for me to keep a correct (body) posture during this process. Have to do more breaks and relax my muscles.
linocut #3
Linocut #2
Next cut&print. Sax-Pinguin. It´s more time saving to do cut the "white lines".
Linocut #1
This is my first linocut. I did a couple of more since but will post those later. I am still in super practicing mode but what I like about this whole thing so far:
- It´s not too hard to do
- A printmaking techique I can easily do at home
- Handwork
- I have original prints and everyone is a little different from the one before.
- Easy clean up with waterbased colors
- I enjoy the cutting (even if it takes hours).
- Experimental value
- To work with one or just a minimum of colors
My Deer
Painting of a drawing I once made. Acrylics on canvas.
Painted Bottles Video
I recently painted some coca cola bottles. Here is the making-of video <--- click to watch on VIMEO
3D Drawing in progress
So I tried getting a little 3D effect and drew on different layers. I searched very long on the web for a fitting square frame in that size and the needed depth. Found it at IKEA in the end.
For Billy
Acrylics on matchboxes. B-Day present for Billy. She loves rabbits.
So I am setting up this new homepage for my drawings, illustrations and painted objects. It will probably still take a while until everything is uploaded.