Coating and exposing my screen for screen printing
Now that my screens are reclaimed and degreased (check my last blog post), it’s time to coat them and burn in some new designs. In this entry, I’ll walk you through my DIY process of making a new stencil for
Reclaiming screens at home – Making space for new prints
New screen printing ideas are on the way, but before I can start, I need to clear out the old designs. This process is called “reclaiming”, which I found a bit confusing when I first heard it. Why not just
Oryx Screen Print – How it came to be
My latest screen print, fresh off the press, features this oryx antelope in black and neon pink—a color combination I’m currently obsessed with. It’s based on an oryx drawing I originally created many years ago (back in 2013, if I remember correctly)
My Journey Into Screen Printing: From Fear to Fun
I recently embarked on an exciting new creative adventure: screen printing at home! It’s something I had dreamed about for years but never dared to try. Why? Well, I had a list of doubts:
Selfmade Stickers
I got myself a little plotter to make my own stickers. It´s a bit addictive to be honest. I started by doing a few Rebexi stickers before making dedicated designs. I finished around 7 sticker versions. Some based on my drawings, some based on my linoprints.
Marker art illustrations
Next to my linoprints and foilprints I enjoy drawing with marker on paper. I do this often while I watch movies or tv shows on the couch. Mostly I love the contrast the acryl maker create on black paper. At the moment I dig the metallic marker set from POSCA.
Check my Instagram for more content
I pretty much only post to Instagram nowadays. Find me: @Rebexi_Art Crazy, I haven´t updated this blog in over a year! Which does not mean I don´t draw anymore. I do! Maybe there are a few people who still check my website and are wondering about all the tumbleweed blowing around, but there are updates! They are just being uploaded to my Instagram instead.
Drawing a Dragonfly
Happy I was able to finish my dragonfly drawing eventually. Drawing on paper remains special to me and can´t be replaced. I also started drawing more on my iPad but it is simply not the same. I also added a short process video in the end.
Painting Tea Light Holder
Back to painting! Oh and happy holidays! Anyway, as I wrote in my last entry I am updating this blog only sporadically. To keep up to date with my newest projects, please follow me on my instagram. But here my latest painting project (from 2 days ago). A tea light holder for my grandma. As usual I used acrylics. The making of video is further down. :)
Skateboard Art Group Exhibition
Finally uploaded all the pics from the skateboard group exhibition which took place in May in Berlin (check last post).
I also would like to share a lil progress video of me painting the board (scroll down). Please make sure to also check out my friend Kamil´s documentation of the show who organized the whole thing.
Pic of me by Kamil.
Skateboard Exhibition May 5th
I will take part in a little skateboard group show this friday May 5th. It will take place in the bar "Das Gift" in Berlin-Neukölln until May 7th. See attached flyer done by Silvia Guizan. I am still working on the skateboard and hope it will turn out the way I want to. I will film the process and make a little video after the exhibition.
My website’ name changes to Rebexi
Just a quick update: "Ejaculesc" has been my website´s name for years. Today is time to say good bye and change to something that suits me a little better. I feel with "Rebexi" I am more a real person behind my website and my art. It also contains my nickname and hints to my first name.
Cranes Drawing
I have neglected this blog and I don't have an excuse and I don't feel bad :D. It does not mean I didn't do anything. On the contrary, the last few days I worked fiercly. I believe it's better you follow me on Instagram because I update there way more.
Painting Easter eggs 2016
Hi everyone, it has been ages since my last blog post. I feel bad. It makes probably more sense to also follow me on instagram since I update there a bit more frequently.
Painting Longboard
A few weeks ago a friend asked me if I wanted to join an art project. It's a project by Barak Rom from Israel who builds special longboards for artists to paint. He came to visit Berlin and we (+ 6 other artist) met in the bar without a name in Neukölln. Each of us got a different design to put our
Latest iPad scribble. Does s(he) look like a Bob? Can't think of a better name. Hate thinking of names for my stuff. Do you have a suggestion?
Chaotic Scribbles
Here are the most recent chaotic scribbles which I created during the last few days. I don't find the time to work on my bigger projects right now (God Damnit) so I do the little I can do while watching an Orange is the New Black episode before bedtime. These kind of drawings I have been doing for years and always pour out of my head without deeper thinking or concept. Just filling the paper. Ejaculations of an unconscious mind.
Deep Ocean#2 – Giant Amphipod
Deep Ocean#2
The giant amphipod you see here is called Cystisoma. They have been found at depths of 500m - 800m and can get to 12 cm long. The body is mostly transparent, to hide from predators. Transparency is one big advantage at a depth where there are no good hiding places. The big red oval thing is the stomach and the big layer of "meshed" red stuff in the forehead are the eyes. Well it's actually just one big eye which looks mostly straight upwards. It is so big so it can suck in as much of the little light as possible.
Deep Ocean#1 – Sea Cucumber
Deep Ocean#1
I felt inspired watching BBC's Blue Planet and was particularly fond of episode 2 "The Deep". It is quite interesting to learn about the different camouflage tricks and how to unmask them in the dark. I enjoyed diving into places where animals produce their own glowing lights in almost transparent bodies and in general appear like coming from science fiction movies that have not yet been made.
Here is a sea cucumber. I think this one is called Enypniastes. I used polychromos on black paper. I took screenshots from the documentary as a reference.
Painting Easter Eggs 2015
Late as usual, my Easter 2015 entry; the once a year-painting-eggs-weekend at my family's place (on the beautiful countryside). Everyone who is visiting is asked to paint an egg or bring a painted one that can be added to the collection. This "event" is accompanied by a glas of wine, audiobooks/music, "Tatort", conversations. This year my eggs were inspired by Alebrije art (less or more). I have to admit I ruined all the brushes. You know.....blame them DETAILS.